Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Lamps

As I'm sure you all have noticed by now, I didn't get a post done about my lamps when I said I would. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to even think about it again up until now. I'm going to do better and as promised here is my post about my lamps!

So we have been looking for some table lamps for a while and I haven't found any that I really liked...or that I liked the price on. I've been watching at our local thrift shop known as Deseret Industries for a couple of weeks and I finally found the perfect lamps. At first I thought the bases were the same but as I looked at them I noticed that they were slightly different but both were adorable and in perfect condition. Then I started browsing the lamp shades to see if I could find something with some character and sure enough I found the two perfect shades, it must have been my day. One was an antique and the other was plain cream and just needed removal of some ruffle around the bottom. The best part...the price. Here is a rundown of my total cost for this project:
2 lamp bases- $6.00 ($3.00 a piece)
Antique lamp shade- $.50 (that's right 50 cents!)
Ruffle shade- $1.00
In total for two cute lamps that added some much needed charm to my previously bare living room I spent $7.50! I was ecstatic! After some quick cleaning they were perfect! And that ruffle was barely holding on so it only took me 30 seconds to rip it off. Enjoy the pictures!
Once I got my bird lamp on the side table it looked a little short, and lonely. So I quickly looked around the room and it wasn't long before I found some more accessories that made it look so much better.


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