Saturday, December 31, 2011

Homemade Picture Display

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas, I know I did!  One of the highlights of my Christmas day was getting to talk to my brother and brother-in-law who are currently serving missions for our church.  We had sent a package to each of them a couple weeks before Christmas so this was one gift that I had finished well in advance of the holiday rush!  I made each of them this fold-up personalized "picture frame" that they could set on their desks in their apartments.  They both turned out really cute and I think they will like them.

The first thing that I did was cut squares out of mat board to become the base for my pictures.  They have pre-cut kits at the craft store that you can buy but I had some of this leftover from another project so I just cut my own.  I then covered the front and back with paper and punched holes in both sides (except the front cover and back cover which only need holes punched in one side.)  I then mounted my pictures in the center of each page and tied them all together with some twine.   
The final touch that made these really personal was actually on the back.  I put these little envelopes so that each person could write a note to them and put it on the back of their picture.  This way they could always have a little piece of home with them!
These turned out really adorable and were pretty simple to make.  You could certainly embellish them more than I did but they're boys and I figured in their case the simpler the better.  The best part about them is that they fold up and so they are really easy to store and move around.  I hope you all have a Happy New Year and can't wait to see what new adventures this year brings!


Thayne said...

The look great! Who is that handsome guy in the first picture with the beautiful woman?

Liz said...

What a great idea! Super cute! I am sure they will love them.

Teresa said...

I love it!! I am so going to make one for Spencer B and Ethan while they are away this year. What a great idea!! Miss ya & Love ya...Teresa


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