Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Going "green"

Hey everyone! Today is day 2 of my Earth Day posts. Today, I just wanted to share a few ideas for how you can help the environment. These ideas are pretty simple but every little thing helps. For me being eco-friendly is more about making sure that our world stays wonderful for all of the future generations. It's like the saying when you go camping that you need to leave it better than you found it. That's what I'm trying to do. Plus in a lot of cases being eco-friendly is actually less expensive than everything else. So here is the first round of ideas for how to be more eco-friendly in your home.

1. Buy local whenever possible. By supporting our local stores or farmers not only are we supporting the local economy but we're also helping to reduce the emissions from shipping something from who knows where to where we live.

2. Use reusable grocery bags. Or as I like to call them my "whatever" bags. I use these things for everything. I take them to the library, pack picnics in them, carry whatever I need for a project in them. I don't know what I would do without reusable bags. (Also, did you know that some stores offer a discount for every reusable bag you use. I know for sure Target gives you 5 cents off your purchase for every reusable bag you use.)

3. Use compact fluorescent bulbs. CFL's may be a little more expensive than a regular light bulb at first but they last a lot longer, and they use a lot less energy. Even if you don't use them everywhere in your house, try to pick a few where you could use them. At my house we have them in our porch lights. Also, they now make CFL's that put off light that looks just like a normal incandescent bulb.

4. Use your windows to your advantage. This time of year is really the perfect opportunity for this. In the morning open your blinds and try to use the lights as little as possible. Nothing is better than natural sunlight. Also, when it's nice weather, open a window instead of using the air conditioner. I love getting that nice spring breeze coming through my house.

So there are my four ideas for today, I'll share more with you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I remembered to bring my reusable bags into the grocery store for the first time today! Hurray! (Really they work great, it's just a memory issue!)


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